August 18, 2010 12:00

Multimedia Tours

Eliminate the need for bulky handheld, GPS devices and put your venue’s tour directly onto your guest's smart phone.

To learn more quickly, please read our FAQ.

Supports the following features on most smart phones.

With a user-friendly control panel, you can have your own multimedia tour set-up In just minutes.

Upcoming Features

These are some features we are working on for our next version.

Improved Map Functionality

  • Notification when approaching a Stop

Improved Management and Tracking

  • Integration of Google Analytics to track venue traffic


  • Support for showing venue's video content in the app.

Improved Event Support

  • More robust features for the Event Calendar

Multi-Language support

  • Support for having alternate language versions of the tour.

See real Demo of TourOn app live in your browser.